A downloadable HeroQuest quest

A challenging quest for 4 experienced heroes.

"Duke Brandyn Amsford, teenage son and heir of Lord Hyland Amsford, has been abducted from his manor by goblins, along with his bodyguards Malik and Kafir. It is believed that the wicked goblin queen Buubhealxea is behind the kidnapping. Since no ransom demands have been made, Lord Amsford fears the worst; goblins have been known to eat their victims, after all! Distraught, the wealthy Lord has enlisted your help to rescue his son... or at least confirm his fate. The goblins are believed to have taken the boy to an old abandoned monastery high in the nearby mountains. A monk who once lived there will provide details of a hidden path up the steep cliffs but you must hurry!"

NOTE: There are *TWO* versions of this quest! The first is labeled "Jam Edition" and is the version submitted for judgement in  this competition. The second is marked  "Non-Jam Edition" and is NOT for judgement. It is  the same quest, but with easier-to-read text and more flavour/descriptions. This version spans two pages and as such is ineligible under the rules of the  2024 HQ Jam, but this is the "full" version should you choose to play this with your group unrelated to the contest.

* The return  of a dangerous enemy.
* Multiple paths for replayability.
* A mysterious plot to uncover.
* An atmospheric setting in an old abandoned monastery.
* An exciting story with pre-written passages to engage players.
* Several new monster types to fight.
* Dangerous boss monsters.
* A powerful and unique new artifact to find.
* Variable rewards to encourage exploration.

This quest requires the HeroQuest Basic System and the following expansions:
* Kellar's Keep
* Return of the Witch Lord
* Rise of the Dread Moon 

Quest made entirely with hQuestBuilder.

Online hQuestBuilder versions:
  * Jam Edition
  * Non-Jam Edition

For more  HeroQuest (and other tabletop gaming) fun, visit my website:
Banjo's House Rules

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
TagsBoard Game, goblin, heroquest, jam, Print & Play
Average sessionA few hours


QUEST - Mountains of the Goblin Queen [Jam Edition v4] 4.4 MB
NOT FOR JUDGEMENT - QUEST - Mountains of the Goblin Queen [Full Edition v3] 4.4 MB
CARD BACK - Boss 1.2 MB
CARD - Boss - Buubhealxea 1.4 MB
CARD - Boss - Goblin Chef 1.4 MB
CARD - Boss - Goblin Handmaid 1.4 MB
CARD - Boss - Goblin Warrior 1.5 MB
CARD - Boss - Grizila 1.3 MB
CARD - Boss - Kafir 1.4 MB
CARD BACK - Ally 660 kB
CARD - Ally - Brandyn Amsford 1.5 MB
CARD BACK - Artifact 1.2 MB
CARD - Artifact - High Priest's Staff 1.2 MB

Install instructions


If you are downloading this quest to judge it as part of the HQ 2024 Jam, you should download the "Jam Edition" version. This is the version submitted for judgement to comply with the single-page rule.

If you just want to play this quest, I highly recommend the "Non-Jam Edition" as it this an expanded experience with better descriptions and quest notes, as well as  much nicer formatting for ease of reading.


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There is a LOT of text in this one.  Please edit the text such that the entirety of the quest notes is contained in the bottom half of the pdf, and the map on the top half, then re-submit.

Anything that isn't essential can go onto a second, non-judged page to expand on the lore for interested players!

(6 edits)

I thought the rules simply said that the whole quest must fit on a single page? In any case, I can try to strip it to the bare bones for the contest and include the "full" version as a second download that won't be judged for people downloading it just to play. Is it okay to mark one as "JAM EDITION" and one as "NON-JAM EDITION" and the judges will know which version to use for judgement?

Done. Please let me know if the new "Jam Edition v3" abides by the rules now.


Perfectly done, cheers!

Updated to v4. I couldn't find it in the rules but figured it would be a good idea to mention exactly what expansions were needed rather than make people figure it out!