HeroQuest Treasure Card Drawer
A downloadable boardgame utility for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android
Designed for use with the classic physical boardgame HeroQuest, this html 'app' (runs on most common web browsers) is a virtual 'Treasure Deck' that lets you search for treasure when using a real deck of cards would be impractical.
It also includes all the homebrew Treasure cards I've personally made and posted so far, so if printing them has proven an issue, you can finally use them in your games via this digital tool.
To use this, first select the "Core" Treasure Deck you want to play with; the original UK release is supported, as is the US and HQ21 re-release. There are also options to start with an empty deck (for use with the Custom option, see below) and for *combining* the US/HQ21 and UK decks.
To learn about any option, click it like a hyperlink and a popup should tell you what it does (e.g. what cards it adds).
You can also select official Expansions (Exp) that add Treasure Cards (such as The Frozen Horror, but not Kellar's Keep for example since it does not add any).
Below that option, you can add any homebrew cards I've made ("New" is all the regular ones, while "Silly" are the joke-themed ones like "Kissing Goblins"; "Christmas" and "Halloween" are holiday-themed).
Tweaks lets you activate some personal rebalance house rules I use that slightly changes a few cards (click on the word to find out which cards specifically), and also lets you NOT return Hazard cards to the deck as the vanilla game specifies (this is for using the Treasure Deck as a timer, for example).
Finally, there is an option to set up your own custom cards (and even card backs). This is a bit fiddly, but full instructions are in the included "hqtreasure.txt" file. This feature was added fairly late, so I can't promise it will work on all browsers/platforms, sorry.
Once you have your deck set up, you can use the buttons at the bottom to draw from, reshuffle (this is NOT done automatically after drawing, so you have the option to use that rule or not) or reset the Treasure Deck.
Note that changing the deck in any way during play (for example, adding a new Expansion after drawing several cards) will RESET the deck!
Inside the archive (zip) is the main html file to run and the needed media files; keep everything in its subfolders so it all works. You can open the html file on a PC browser or locally on a tablet in a browser that supports external files. You could also copy it to a private server and access it from the internet that way, but if you do PLEASE do not make that server version public and just use it privately. I would rather people download this file here (where it may be updated and maintained) than have it accessible for general use over the internet.
This utility uses both my own (AI generated) art as well as official Hasbro/Avalon Hill art, however all the cards themselves are made from scratch by me. Huge thanks to my friend Cyber-333 for his awesome help with recreating some of the cards. It was a struggle to make everything match but essential for this tool to look good (hence why *every* card, even the official ones, were re-made) and Cyber-333's assistance was invaluable. Thanks so much, mate!
This app has been tested both on a desktop PC (via Chrome and Edge) and on iPad (via iCab Mobile, which lets you run local html files). I see no reason it can't work on a Linux or Mac setup as long as they can run normal html and javascript. If you have any issues, let me know and I'll try to help if I can.
This project took a LOT of work (at least six months, in fact!), so if you like it and use it, then please consider donating whatever you can afford. I do all this stuff for free (while many others sell or paywall things like this), so please do consider throwing a few bucks my way if you find this tool useful in your HeroQuest games.
I will do my best to update this tool when new Expansions that add additional Treasure Cards are released.
Also, if you have a favourite homebrew/fan expansion NOT made by me (or Hasbro) that adds a significant number of Treasure Cards, let me know and I am happy to consider (though no promises, sorry) making a "DLC Pack" that can be added via the Custom option to allow those cards to be used in this app too.
For more HeroQuest (and other tabletop gaming) fun, visit my website:
Banjo's House Rules
Click download now to get access to the following files:
Development log
- Update: Custom Card Backs63 days ago
- Minor update65 days ago
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